Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Active Euthanasia

â€Å"Active Euthanasia† Active euthanasia is defined as inducing the death of a person who is undergoing intense suffering, and who has no practical hope of recovery. Since the motive is to release one from misery, active euthanasia is often called â€Å"mercy killing.† This essay will discuss five reasons why active euthanasia is wrong. The first reason why active euthanasia is wrong, is because (1) there are other options to stop a patient from suffering, such as great advances in pain management, palliative care, and the development of hospices to assist people who are dying. (2) Active Euthanasia is unethical, because it is a form of murder. (3) Euthanasia is also wrong because it’s against God’s will. (4) Euthanasia is a violation of the right to life; and (5) active euthanasia deprives one the right to die naturally. Overall, active euthanasia should not be allowed, because it is morally wrong. Although many people may feel that there loved ones are ready to die, that doesn’t necessarily mean that one should choose active euthanasia. There are other options to stop a patient from suffering. Pain management, palliative care, and the development of hospice care are always a preferable solution. Pain management is one of the most important aspects of care for terminally-ill persons. Since there have been great advances in the management of acute and chronic pain over the past few years, there is no need for anyone to die in unrelieved agony. The varies treatments of pain management include the injection of specific joints with medications, epidural injections (into the spaces around the spinal cord), and the placement of permanent epidural catheters for pain relief at home. For patients with chronic pain, psychologists are now able to help relieve those stresses, which can change one’s perception of their pain level. The idea of palliative care, also called comfort care, is primarily directed at p... Free Essays on Active Euthanasia Free Essays on Active Euthanasia â€Å"Active Euthanasia† Active euthanasia is defined as inducing the death of a person who is undergoing intense suffering, and who has no practical hope of recovery. Since the motive is to release one from misery, active euthanasia is often called â€Å"mercy killing.† This essay will discuss five reasons why active euthanasia is wrong. The first reason why active euthanasia is wrong, is because (1) there are other options to stop a patient from suffering, such as great advances in pain management, palliative care, and the development of hospices to assist people who are dying. (2) Active Euthanasia is unethical, because it is a form of murder. (3) Euthanasia is also wrong because it’s against God’s will. (4) Euthanasia is a violation of the right to life; and (5) active euthanasia deprives one the right to die naturally. Overall, active euthanasia should not be allowed, because it is morally wrong. Although many people may feel that there loved ones are ready to die, that doesn’t necessarily mean that one should choose active euthanasia. There are other options to stop a patient from suffering. Pain management, palliative care, and the development of hospice care are always a preferable solution. Pain management is one of the most important aspects of care for terminally-ill persons. Since there have been great advances in the management of acute and chronic pain over the past few years, there is no need for anyone to die in unrelieved agony. The varies treatments of pain management include the injection of specific joints with medications, epidural injections (into the spaces around the spinal cord), and the placement of permanent epidural catheters for pain relief at home. For patients with chronic pain, psychologists are now able to help relieve those stresses, which can change one’s perception of their pain level. The idea of palliative care, also called comfort care, is primarily directed at p...

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